Privacy Policy and Cookie Files

Privacy Policy and Cookie Files

This Privacy and Cookies Policy explains the methods and purposes of data processing (collecting, using and disclosing) on the website:

The Administrator of the personal data is:
Delia Cosmetics Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Rzgow at ul. Leśna 5, (postal code 95-030),
NIP (Tax Identification Number) 727-23-33-311,
KRS (National Court Register) 0000203419
(hereinafter: Administrator).

The Administrator has not appointed a Data Protection Officer.

When collecting and processing personal data, the Administrator shall comply with all of the following processing principles and meet at least one of the conditions for processing personal data.

By giving your consent to use of cookies by the Administrator’s service, you declare that your browser is set in this respect according to your preferences.

When browsing the Administrator’s service, according to the configuration of your browser, one or more cookies may be stored on your computer (personal electronic device).

Prior to your consent, the Administrator’s cookies, necessary for the proper functioning of the website, are stored on your computer.

Cookies may be placed by the Administrator, as well as by third parties with which the Administrator cooperates.

The Administrator collects data during registration and collects data automatically during your visit to our website, in particular your IP address, domain name, browser type, operating system type.

Your personal data obtained in connection with the use of the Administrator’s services will be processed for the following purposes:

  1. carrying out marketing activities, including customer’s acquisition and retention;
    2. products and services sales;
    3. business-related activities, including for the purposes of analysis and statistics;
    4. responding to letters and requests and responding to pending proceedings;
    5. conducting security-related activities;
    6. archiving;
    7. complying with a legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator.

The legal basis for data processing will be:

  1. the consent you had previously given;
    2. the indispensability to fulfill the contract or to take action, upon your request, before the conclusion of the contract;
    3. the indispensability to fulfill legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator;
    4. the indispensability to achieve the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator, such as: responding to your letters and requests.

Your data is not passed to third parties.

Your data may be transferred to:

  1. the processors in relation to activities commissioned by the Administrator and carried out on behalf of the Administrator;
    2. courier and other service companies, which will deliver the parcels;
    3. law firms commissioned by the Administrator, e.g. to conduct proceedings;
    4. entities cooperating with the Administrator,
    5. entities or bodies authorised by law.

The period for which the Administrator processes personal data depends on the purpose for which the data is processed. The period for which the Administrator keeps personal data is calculated on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. legal provisions that may oblige the Administrator to process the data for a specific period of time;
    2. the period that is necessary to maintain and operate the account created on the Administrator’s websites;
    3. the period that is necessary to protect the interests of the Administrator (data administrator);
    4. the period that is necessary for the provision of services by the Administrator and to provide the necessary customer service;
    5. the period for which the consent has been granted.

An individual, whose personal data is being processed, has the right to:

  1. request access to personal data concerning that individual;
    2. correct the data;
    3. request the completion of incomplete personal data, also by providing an additional statement;
    4. have the data deleted or have the processing of it restricted;
    5. object to further processing of personal data;
    6. transfer of personal data.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the data processing, which was carried out on the basis of the consent given before its withdrawal.

When processing data that is collected through cookies, the Administrator is generally not able to identify you personally. Therefore, if you would like to exercise your rights, you may be asked to provide additional information in order to identify you correctly.

If you have any doubts about the accuracy of the Administrator’s processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority.

The provision of data is voluntary or may be a necessary condition for the conclusion of a contract (e.g. the creation of the account on the website) or the provision of services. Without their provision, the contract cannot be concluded.

The Administrator uses systems for automated decision-making.
The following decisions are made by automated means:

  1. profiling is carried out on the basis of data held, in particular: data relating to the services provided, information obtained through cookies, including transmission data and location data;
    2. profiling affects the marketing information and offers that you will receive (tailored offers).
    Any correspondence related to your personal data processing should be sent to the Administrator, at the address:
    Delia Cosmetics Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Rzgów, ul. Leśna 5, postal code 95-030,
    NIP (Tax Identification Number) 727-23-33-311,
    KRS (National Court Register) 0000203419
    or by e-mail:

Our website uses cookies to identify your browser when you use our website. Cookies contain small amounts of text that can only be read by the site that sends them. The information we collect allows us to gain knowledge of how often you visit our website and which parts of it interest you most. We use the obtained data to adapt the website to your needs, to improve the functioning of the website and for statistical and advertising purposes. These files cannot be used to infect your personal electronic device with viruses or other malicious software (malware).

Each individual cookie consists of four basic parts:

  1. website’s name: the name of the domain or subdomain that set the cookie;
    2. the name of the cookie: the cookie has a name,
    a unique one, to the site that set it;
    3. expiry date: the validity of some cookies expires when the browser is closed (session cookies), other cookies will be automatically deleted only when they reach the expiry date that was set (so-called persistent cookies);
    4. value: this is the information in the cookie that the website uses to “remember” a previous visit.

In cookie files, we store basic information about users (e.g. ID) and information needed to optimise and display correctly the content of the pages.
This information is used to:

  1. recognise users’ logging in to protected websites, allowing them to visit multiple pages without having to enter a username and password for each page;
    2. recording user’s preferences – the content viewed and the browsing format (the user does not have to set preferences each time they visit the site);
    3. keeping a record of the pages visited by users, so that data can be collected to help make improvements to the content and navigation of the site.

The users of our service may stop providing this information to our service at any time by deleting the cookies stored on their personal device by our service. To do this, please change the settings of your currently used web browser.

You have the right to refuse the storing and reading of cookies on your personal electronic device (computer, phone). To do so, you must select the appropriate settings in your browser options or refuse to give your consent when an application included on the website asks you to do so.

Configuring your browser to block the installation of cookies for certain websites of your choice, or for all websites, may result in the loss of certain functionality and may make it difficult or impossible for you to take full advantage of its capabilities.
In accordance with the requirements of the Telecommunications Law and the RODO (General Data Protection Regulation), it is considered as a confirmation of your consent to the use of cookies if you configure your browser to allow the installation of cookies on your computer.

When we collect your personal data, the communication between your computer and our server is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
In addition, our databases are protected from third-party access.

We reserve the right to change the presented privacy policy by publishing the new content on our website. Once the change has been made, the privacy policy will be posted on the website with the new date.

February, 2024.